
13 Questions with Donna Hendrickson, Administrative Assistant, Day Kimball 首页 Care


一些最好的, most important lessons learned are taught by our parents who help to set an example and make an impact from the very beginning. 给唐娜·亨德里克森的, Administrative Assistant for Day Kimball 首页 Care, 乐于助人, giving back to the community and taking care of others was something she observed of her father at a very early age. And it’s something she has gone on to demonstrate in her family with her own children and in the community as well. 

Donna is the youngest in a family of eight children; her oldest brother was 18 years old when she was born. Their big family was raised primarily by her father, “埃迪,” after her mother passed away suddenly when Donna was only 4 years old. 

多娜回忆说 how hard a worker her father was, calling him her hero. 

“As a child growing up, it was clear to me that Dad was raising all of us kids all on his own. He really set an example of strong values for us, teaching us the importance of working hard. As a parent myself now, I cannot even imagine what it must have been like to be in his shoes. He never missed a day of work for as long as I can remember, until the blizzard of ‘78. And he was very upset that he had to stay home during those 3 days!唐娜说.

唐娜本身就是一个努力工作的人, establishing her roots at Day Kimball back in 1989 when she was hired as a secretary for Hospice to cover a maternity leave. 在那之前, she had recently left her billing job at another area hospital to be a caregiver to her mother in law, 谁在生命的尽头. 在她岳母去世后, the Hospice volunteer on their case suggested she apply for the open secretary position. Donna was only supposed to have the job for a few months but the woman she was covering for decided not to return to work, 所以她留下来了.

当时, 临终关怀对戴·金博尔来说也是新鲜事物, and for the first six months in the job 多娜回忆说 writing down everything she learned in a book and teaching herself to do her job. 此后不久, Sue Lessard came onboard and mentored Donna for five years or so, allowing Donna to further expand her knowledge base of Hospice.

Donna has been a long standing advocate for the Hospice program, visiting local high schools and community events and speaking about the program with her friends and neighbors. 在她在DKH的职业生涯早期, she participated in a volunteer course as the single Hospice patient volunteer, and volunteered to facilitate bereavement support groups.

Since then Donna has continued to support the Hospice program, most recently as the Administrative Assistant for 首页care and Hospice. 2016年11月, 唐娜是“家庭英雄”奖的获得者 presented to Day Kimball In-home Care staff for providing exceptional patient care. 唐娜的奖状上特别写明, "In recognition and gratitude for your ability to guide your teammates, 你愿意通过改变来工作, 以及你对我们团队的奉献."

唐娜也是 DKH的女性董事会, 安宁疗护丧亲小组, 安宁疗护之友委员会, DKH的雇员委员会, and is a certified member of the American Society of Administrative Professionals.

Donna gives back to the greater community in other ways too. She belongs to the 康涅狄格大学Alpha Phi Omega的Delta Sigma分会, a service fraternity based on Boy Scouts of America. The fraternity primarily assists with community service projects. Donna is a lifelong member in the fraternity and served as its Treasurer for 3 years during part of her time there.

Donna has certainly set an example of generosity, love and caregiving for her family as well. She and her husband Wayne were very involved in their daughters Kayla, 29, 和Seana, 他们年轻的时候有26支运动队, 并指导他们的篮球, 垒球和啦啦队.

多娜回忆说 bringing the kids to work with her on their days off from school. “When the girls were little, they would come to the office and do filing to help me. They always wanted to be at work with Mom,” she said.

Thinking back on her time as caregiver to her mother in law before she joined Day Kimball, 多娜回忆说, 也是在那一年,爸爸去世了, so I had a pretty unique experience of having them both pass on around the same time. That was when I really got to see the value of Hospice. And that was when I decided to join Hospice at Day Kimball, because of my experience during that time in 1989. I am so grateful to the level of supportive care our family received back then. 现在站在这里是我回馈社会的方式.”

1. 我成长于: Grosvenordale, CT

2. 你的歌单上有谁? Thomas Rhett, Luke Bryan, Earth, Wind and Fire, Meaghan Trainer, Pink, Beyonce

3. 你最喜欢的电影是什么? 壮志凌云

4. 你最喜欢什么颜色? 蒂尔

5. 你读的最后一本书是什么? 目前阅读 如果我向前倾,男人们会往下看吗?

6. 谁是你的英雄? 我的爸爸

7. 养不养宠物? (如果有的话,请说出名字.) 没有一个

8. 在你的遗愿清单上列出一些事情. 在夏威夷的海滩上骑马

9. 你的“最爱”安慰食物是什么? 布朗尼

10. 智能手机、平板电脑或台式电脑? 智能手机

11. 人们会惊讶地发现我: 属于 康涅狄格大学Alpha Phi Omega的Delta Sigma分会 -(服务兄弟会)

12. What’s your current health focus (for yourself, personally): 加强我的核心,更灵活

13. What’s your favorite place in Northeast Connecticut? 伍德斯托克音乐节农村

左上角: 1966年圣诞节,唐娜和她的父亲
左下: Donna (center) with daughter, Kayla and son-in-law, Dan, husband, Wayne, and daughter, Seana
Bottom Right: Donna (back row, far right) with some of her extended family on vacation 



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